Yearning to go, compelled to stay

What would it matter if I go away?

Most people don’t know I’m here anyway.

There’s comfort in staying. And then there’s boredom.

There’s fear in leaving. And then there’s freedom.

There’s stability in staying. And then you stand still.

There’s chaos in leaving. Then there’s the thrill.

There’s familiarity in staying. Then it’s annoying.

There’s the unknown in leaving. Then there’s growing.

So What would it matter if I go away?

Most people don’t know I’m here anyway.

Humbly yours,


Bagel life

Have you ever thought about which side of the bagel you prefer?  Assuming, of course, that you like, or have ever eaten a bagel. Also assuming, that the bagel is sliced horizontally, and not vertically.  I’m not sure why one would slice a bagel vertically, it would drastically reduce the spreadable surface which people use […]

B versus D (ruery)

There is no doubt that the Bruery is one of my all time favorite breweries. Releasing such decadent treats as Black Tuesday, the twelve days of Christmas series, Chocolate Rain, and a host of other amazing brews, it’s no surprise that anything released by the Bruery, attracts my attention and palate. But what about this […]