Fill it up!

Which type of person are you?

We are often forced to choose between being a glass half full, and a glass half empty person.

I don’t know who came up with this exercise, but it’s a little strange isn’t it?

We are presented with this scenario where we are hypothetically looking at this glass, which for whatever reason is filled with liquid at exactly fifty percent of total volume capacity.

Then, the observer must decide whether they think that the glass is half full of liquid, or is half empty of liquid.

If a person states that the glass is half full, then they are assumed to look at things more positively, and thereby are likely a happier individual with a more positive outlook.  If a person decides that the glass is half empty, they are assumed to view the world more pessimistically, and are assumed to be a more melancholy person with a negative outlook.

The difference is really the choice of one word in the description. Why does it carry so much weight? Does that one word really mean that a persons overall state is positive or negative? Is it possible that the observation is simply made practically and devoid of emotional influence?

I say, why are we looking at this puzzle this way, trying to determine the state of the observer?

What about the person that filled the glass?  Why did they stop halfway?   

I think the real problem with the quandary is that the glass-filler simply failed at their task. I think the set a bad example for the observer. Why put them in a position where they have to describe something, only to be told they are positive or negative? That they are happy or sad?

Shame on the one who filled the liquid fifty percent of the way. What a quitter!  Just fill the glass up! Then the observer can confidently and happily say, “The glass is full!”

Let’s not forget, hydration is important too, don’t do a disservice to everyone by only half-filling the glass.  Fill it to the brim, people are way more happy when they are hydrated as well.

Fill that cup!!!!!

Humbly yours,