Tornadoes and Falling in Love

Merry-go-rounds and Tilt-a-whirls. Roller coasters and roundabouts. Spinning tops and spirals. Ferris wheels and bottles. Wheel-of-Fortune, doing flips. Somersaults and cartwheels. Bedrooms after many drinks. Car wheels as we travel. The tires on our bikes. Our bodies as we dance. Tornadoes and whirlpools. Records, and falling in love. We love the circling, rotating, revolving feeling, […]

The Waste (VIII)

Beginning around noon the next day, the entire village enjoyed exquisite food the likes of which many of the citizens had never tasted.  No one could offer a plausible explanation regarding the source of a majority of the ingredients, for the elements of these recipes were not consistent with the villagers normal fare.  Allamar postulated […]