Eron’s Chore

Eron shot through the rippling water. He kicked and propelled himself downward. The sun above beaming thinning tendril rays towards him through the water as he dove towards the floor. The pressure built in his ears and nostrils, the air in his lungs seeming to gain weight as he approached the blue sand.  As he […]

Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, Calcium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, Magnesium

Of all the dreams we dreams, hopes we depend on, and challenges met, we don’t reach peaks of capability, intellect, dexterity, nor physical prowess of the potential we have at birth. So do we waste our most precious of resources. Second by second do we choose against a mastery of our elements.      


‘‘Twas a trillion to one Your parents would meet. and a billion to one, chance they’d conceive. A million to one in this timeline hundred thousand to one you’d actually survive. There was a thousand to one chance you’d excel and a hundred to one chance youd just do well. a ten to one chance […]