The Statue

Paris took a very regular route to and from the tower.  With little deviation he passed the vendors, and houses, and people, and carts, and barrels, and open windows to meals, and closed ones to arguments.  His daily travel to and from his source of income shifted and twisted very little.  A left here at […]

Pulling Down the Night

I sensed that you needed a gesture, a sign, an effort.  You needed a motion, a massive, magnanimous movement, that all the little ones couldn’t provide.  You needed a sweeping, soaring, sizable display, to make your heart swoon. It had to be considerate, calculable, and colossal in scope.  So I struggled, and strived, and stretched myself […]

The Overseer

There is a true deity that affects our all of our lives. The choice of an ultimate, spiritual leader is inconsequential after all.  The ongoing conflicts between acolytes of supreme spiritual devotees will never cease.  But, there is a conceptual, albeit massively impactful, one that rules everyone. It doesn’t care whether you are agnostic, atheist, […]