Eron’s Chore

Eron shot through the rippling water. He kicked and propelled himself downward. The sun above beaming thinning tendril rays towards him through the water as he dove towards the floor. The pressure built in his ears and nostrils, the air in his lungs seeming to gain weight as he approached the blue sand.  As he […]

Eron’s Pulse

The carriage bounced up and down, and wobbled side to side, as the rickety wheels rolled over rocks and debris, and dipped in and out of divots and pot holes. This road was poorly maintained, and the longer the carriage followed this path, the worse the jostling became.   There was a snort from the horse […]


The flat, dusty, brown serpent stretched out in front of him.  Paris raised his eyes from his boots and gazed at a point on the horizon.  At this juncture, the road was swallowed by a slowly descending, molten red-orange, half-circle that bravely fought off the impending darkness.  The sky was swept with vivid hues of lavender, pink […]

The Statue

Paris took a very regular route to and from the tower.  With little deviation he passed the vendors, and houses, and people, and carts, and barrels, and open windows to meals, and closed ones to arguments.  His daily travel to and from his source of income shifted and twisted very little.  A left here at […]