Sell it

Tame, time, tome. Prose, price, poem. Wreck, wrack, wrong, Pierce, prose, prong. Trill, till, toll, Pale, pill, poll. Wilt, wag, won’t, Push, pig, pelt. Vaunt, vault, vent Purse, pell, pent. Crush, cull, cents, Pay, pen ance. Gibber-jabber Pitter-patter lack of common sense. Jobs and ties, debt, compromise, death of innocence.  


I just don’t want to sleep anymore. I suppose I have to. I just don’t want to. My biology impresses it upon my sensibilities. But my mind rebels. It senses the potentiality of missing out on the intensity of the feelings, emotions, sensations and experiences when somnambulant. The body and mind crave rest, and require […]