
‘‘Twas a trillion to one Your parents would meet. and a billion to one, chance they’d conceive. A million to one in this timeline hundred thousand to one you’d actually survive. There was a thousand to one chance you’d excel and a hundred to one chance youd just do well. a ten to one chance […]


Pain, emotional as well as physical, is very real. But it is not supposed to be permanent. Pain is intended to be a response only, as a trigger to prevent or avoid permanent damage and harm. Some trauma can cause pain that is so intense, that pain is excruciating and lasts much longer than what […]


Sacrifice the discipline and routine, for the efficiency of routine For words of consent, momentary content, searching for what life could mean. Passing between, man and machine yearning to be serene. Ones will is spent indifferent squandered on the insignificant. Logic for vice, reason for nice. Drive for distraction, Force for supplication. Once proud, now […]

Crossing the street

What is the most important thing to do before crossing the street? To be fair, we are taught to do one whole thing, that is comprised of multiple actions. What we are told to do is to make sure we look both ways.  This command is broken down into several steps.  The most obvious steps, are […]