Eron’s Pulse

The carriage bounced up and down, and wobbled side to side, as the rickety wheels rolled over rocks and debris, and dipped in and out of divots and pot holes. This road was poorly maintained, and the longer the carriage followed this path, the worse the jostling became.   There was a snort from the horse […]

Say, “Now.”

My friend an I once played many games of Yahtzee.   We passed evenings listening to music, and played game, after game after game. It was competitive, relaxing, and fun to enjoy each others company, and to see how chance affected our rolls. During one of these games, I remarked on her multiple, unsuccessful attempts to […]

A very pumpkin New Year

It has been a very bizarre year. It wasn’t enough that we had to deal with a massively disruptive pandemic, which affected all aspects of life, but the world was affected by additional oddities in 2020 that were almost too strange for words. We had murder hornets.  We had massive wildfires that destroyed the Australian […]

Forte Est?

It takes so many billiions of decisions, pieces of advice, turns, adjustments, redirections, happenstances, chance occurrences, bizarre interactions,  and choices made independently, that bring two people in close enough proximity that they have a chance to interact, feel for each other, and then ultimately find passion. Doesn’t it seem so inconceivably sad, casual, cruel, and […]