Sacrifice the discipline and routine, for the efficiency of routine For words of consent, momentary content, searching for what life could mean. Passing between, man and machine yearning to be serene. Ones will is spent indifferent squandered on the insignificant. Logic for vice, reason for nice. Drive for distraction, Force for supplication. Once proud, now […]

Crossing the street

What is the most important thing to do before crossing the street? To be fair, we are taught to do one whole thing, that is comprised of multiple actions. What we are told to do is to make sure we look both ways.  This command is broken down into several steps.  The most obvious steps, are […]

Say, “Now.”

My friend an I once played many games of Yahtzee.   We passed evenings listening to music, and played game, after game after game. It was competitive, relaxing, and fun to enjoy each others company, and to see how chance affected our rolls. During one of these games, I remarked on her multiple, unsuccessful attempts to […]