Eron’s Arc

It was beautiful. The object rested on Eron’s palm, perfectly balanced and level.  The symmetry was immaculate.  It was virtually weightless, Eron only noticing the friction of the grain of the wood against his palm as it rested there, and not any sense of downward pressure upon his hand and wrist. It wasn’t quite a […]

The Unbent

Though the wind tears upon my face and rips through my clothing, and slices into my skin, Though the rain hammers my scalp, drenches my coverings, and chills me to the bone, Though the sun creates blisters upon my neck, and causes me to shed that which shields my flesh, Though the snow and ice […]


When you look at your house, or apartment, or other form of dwelling, a yurt maybe, what do you see? We adorn our beams and eaves with skins of chemical and design, to mask the naked support that our augmented forest provide.  And with these supplements we create uniqueness, character, and differentiation.  Casually we accent our […]