Open Heart Shadow (XVI)

Tristan walked toward the open door with an energetic swagger.  He ignored the pitiful moans coming from the mangled figure behind him. He could feel a tingling rush of energy, power, and virility, surging through his body.  It had been a considerable time since he had this type of sensation.  He tried to recall when […]

Open Heart Reconnection (V)

Tristan stared into his reflection, and the tiny opening in the metal panel in his chest. The rest of his immaculate form seemed insignificant in relationship to this tiny hollow. He’d been in this same position before, feeling strangely perplexed, and gazing into a keyhole within himself. He suddenly twitched, and then a chill and […]

Anywhere But Here

A place in the sun or Next to the moon. Yearning to be, Way far gone, and soon. Home in the mountains, Eloping to the sea. Resting, relaxing, Escaping, to the trees. Broadening horizons, Under distant stars and lights. To castle and museum, Here I take flight. Ever looking for wonder, Reaching far from this […]

The Statue

Paris took a very regular route to and from the tower.  With little deviation he passed the vendors, and houses, and people, and carts, and barrels, and open windows to meals, and closed ones to arguments.  His daily travel to and from his source of income shifted and twisted very little.  A left here at […]

Step Back

How often do you find yourself in a room, looking for something that you are completely positive you had in your possession mere moments before? How much time do you waste scouring and scrutinizing every inch with which you had just had contact? How many times do you lift up the same cushion, despite the […]

The Garden of Glass

What is the best way to describe one’s soul? If soul isn’t the correct word, than perhaps essence, aura, or spirit are more appropriate?  Maybe the right word is consciousness?  Regardless of the choice of nomenclature, this discussion involves that intangible element that makes human beings sweepingly unique, and which also allows us to be differentiated from […]