
It was everything I could do, want, and be, that man that you could love and need. It was all that I could possibly desire, to be the one to light those fires. I was the bastion, the fortress, the high ground, the steadfastness when you felt down. I was the light, the warmth and […]


Picture with me, the game of Jenga.  Most know what this is, but i could also describe it as a wooden-block tower puzzle. The alternating, three block, by three block layers, form an integrated tower.   It is a perfectly smooth rectangular prism. It appears solid, despite its make up of smaller blocks.  And unless otherwise disturbed, it […]

The Pillar

We had found our way to each other in the vast void below. Our hands outstretched, searching, brushed into each other and found warmth.  Then, in time, we found that they fit.   We began to build, slowly, and unsteadily at first, finding the right materials to form a base, and gradually ascending upwards through the mists […]