The given moments

All of this each fleeting second all passing moments every ticking minute each counted hour and guaranteed day all worked away weeks and planned on months and goal setting years. even the wisdom-granting decades. We own none of it. it is all leased, borrowed, and rented, this time we are so sure that we own. […]

Pulling Down the Night

I sensed that you needed a gesture, a sign, an effort.  You needed a motion, a massive, magnanimous movement, that all the little ones couldn’t provide.  You needed a sweeping, soaring, sizable display, to make your heart swoon. It had to be considerate, calculable, and colossal in scope.  So I struggled, and strived, and stretched myself […]


In wakefulness I’m with the living, their energy vivifying, giving strength, and toughness. In sleep I’m among the dead, they swallow my dread, giving peace, and forgetfulness. It is the space between, consciousness and dreams, that tortures this host. It’s this void in my chest, that robs me of rest, the haunting of nagging ghosts. It’s the hole in my mind, […]