
Are you a building? Do you have a strong foundation? Can this foundation stay strong when floods come trying to wash away your base? Are you properly waterproofed to prevent leaks?  Is the foundation formidable enough to support the flooring built atop it? Are your walls thick enough? Do they keep out the cold, and […]

Bagel life

Have you ever thought about which side of the bagel you prefer?  Assuming, of course, that you like, or have ever eaten a bagel. Also assuming, that the bagel is sliced horizontally, and not vertically.  I’m not sure why one would slice a bagel vertically, it would drastically reduce the spreadable surface which people use […]

Eron’s Station

At the end of the line, a product was inspected, its quality assessed, and when deemed suitable, it was boxed up  and transported, wherever it was needed. Eron didn’t concern himself with the quality of the final item. There were others that worked in the plant, that produced the product, that was transported, wherever it […]

Chosen Path

Without higher purpose or goals, what is time but turmoil? Without true passion and sacrifice, what is love but exaggerated lust. Without hard work and strife, what value can one place on comfort? Without ever feeling pangs of hunger, how does one ever feel full? We need to be without, before we know the value […]

On your feet!

Cats always land on their feet, right? Once upon a time, this misnomer may have been believed by the masses.  Without the preponderance of chronicled video evidence that we now have refuting this belief, generally, people witnessed cats, that fell or dropped, landing safely on their paws. Cats have a righting reflex that allows them to […]

Say, “Now.”

My friend an I once played many games of Yahtzee.   We passed evenings listening to music, and played game, after game after game. It was competitive, relaxing, and fun to enjoy each others company, and to see how chance affected our rolls. During one of these games, I remarked on her multiple, unsuccessful attempts to […]