Open Heart Closure (XXI)

Tristan shed the paralyzing ambiance of the bathroom with the swiftness of doffing a water-saturated cloak. In a few steps, he was into the short hall, then heading towards his cache of belongings. It didn’t take him long to gather up his scant possessions.  They were haphazardly strewn about the room.  After all, he hadn’t […]

Open Heart Cataclysm (XIX)

Tristan rose, unhurriedly, from his kneeling position.  He turned, and made his way back to the bathroom.  He moved in a confidently, curiously relaxed manner. When he returned to his prior position, facing the mirror, he brought his hand up and regarded the object pinched between his fingers. It was several inches long, made of […]


All of those deep, sobbing, regrets, every cringe, and internal unsettling, felt, when trying to kiss, someone else, as passionately as I kissed you; while you’re selfish-stuck with your vapid substitute, each, and every, excruciating second, sparks of memory, should remind you of what a truly amazing person, partner, lover, could be, and how incredibly […]

Open Heart Insight (IV)

“Ready?” “I think so.” “It’s not really a question that you can respond to unsurely.  Either you are, or you aren’t?” “Ready.” “Go ahead then.  Let us in.” Tristan stood in front of the door, arm stretched forward, with the key in his hand.  Some wildly debilitating magic froze him in this spot.  He breathed […]