On your feet!

Cats always land on their feet, right? Once upon a time, this misnomer may have been believed by the masses.  Without the preponderance of chronicled video evidence that we now have refuting this belief, generally, people witnessed cats, that fell or dropped, landing safely on their paws. Cats have a righting reflex that allows them to […]

Crossing the street

What is the most important thing to do before crossing the street? To be fair, we are taught to do one whole thing, that is comprised of multiple actions. What we are told to do is to make sure we look both ways.  This command is broken down into several steps.  The most obvious steps, are […]

Eron’s Strife

Far below him, the village burned. Eron’s right foot clanged down on the next dusty step, and the rest of his body paused.  He closed his eyes, and with mouth closed, took in a deep breath through his nose. A pungent stench of leather, salty-sweat, and blood, rippled through his nostrils, and the bouquet caused […]