Eron’s Pulse

The carriage bounced up and down, and wobbled side to side, as the rickety wheels rolled over rocks and debris, and dipped in and out of divots and pot holes. This road was poorly maintained, and the longer the carriage followed this path, the worse the jostling became.   There was a snort from the horse […]

There is no gain in again

Stand up, sit down, walk, again and again. Ingest, imbibe, purge, again and again. Think thoughts, read words, learn, again and again. Push forward, stop short, recover, again, and again. Become enamored, lose interest, feel numb, again and again. Build up, destroy, apologize, again and again. Accept help, give nurture, stand alone. again and again. […]

100 C’s to fuel your fire.

Content, comfortable, complacent, calm, casual, chill, collected, cool, careful, cab, caddy, cashier, cafe, caffeine, cake, calendar, cocoa, calcium, cookie, California, Cabernet, cellulite, Calvados, calorie, caviar, candy, canopy, crepe, cottage, cheese, capital, Capri, chardonnay, cappuccino, cannolli, captive, cymbalta, convention, control, copy, copulate, Calvin Klein, Chipotle, corn sugar, corporate, corporeal, currency, custard, cream, cotton candy, cotton, couch, […]