What is now?

When we glance over our shoulders we don’t check for friendly faces. We look backwards only to make sure we are moving in the right direction Chased only look back to ensure they evaded the pursuer. Rifling through memories is the equivalent of shaking hands with ghosts. Sharing the pictures only serves to conjure that […]

Filling in before filling out.

I intended to write this before the holiday.   Intending an, inspired by traditional ideas of love, passion, and romance, post, then, presenting a tempered, sardonic, counterpoint.  But, with scrutiny of this supposed holiday, I find that its existence feeds off of guilt, insecurity, compulsion, and unabashed commercial exploitation, of emotion, fragility, and a vacuous longing to […]


It was everything I could do, want, and be, that man that you could love and need. It was all that I could possibly desire, to be the one to light those fires. I was the bastion, the fortress, the high ground, the steadfastness when you felt down. I was the light, the warmth and […]

Trust, Depend, Follow.

If you are supposed to trust your gut, and rely on the thoughts in your head, then definitely, certainly, absolutely, do not follow your heart. It will lead you wildly astray from sense, logic, reason, and rationale.  The path it forges will enter the darkest, most dense, forest of confusion. It will lead you into emotional wilderness, blazing a dusty trail […]