The Waste (III)

Paris lay still, and the noises persisted. When he first heard the sounds, his back had been to the road.  As the volume of the sounds grew louder, and the rhythm remained steady, Paris knew that his realm of dreams had not seeped into his wasteland reality.  He shifted, and twisted in his bedroll, to […]

Open Heart Reconnection (V)

Tristan stared into his reflection, and the tiny opening in the metal panel in his chest. The rest of his immaculate form seemed insignificant in relationship to this tiny hollow. He’d been in this same position before, feeling strangely perplexed, and gazing into a keyhole within himself. He suddenly twitched, and then a chill and […]

Open Heart Insight (IV)

“Ready?” “I think so.” “It’s not really a question that you can respond to unsurely.  Either you are, or you aren’t?” “Ready.” “Go ahead then.  Let us in.” Tristan stood in front of the door, arm stretched forward, with the key in his hand.  Some wildly debilitating magic froze him in this spot.  He breathed […]


The flat, dusty, brown serpent stretched out in front of him.  Paris raised his eyes from his boots and gazed at a point on the horizon.  At this juncture, the road was swallowed by a slowly descending, molten red-orange, half-circle that bravely fought off the impending darkness.  The sky was swept with vivid hues of lavender, pink […]