B versus D (ruery)

There is no doubt that the Bruery is one of my all time favorite breweries. Releasing such decadent treats as Black Tuesday, the twelve days of Christmas series, Chocolate Rain, and a host of other amazing brews, it’s no surprise that anything released by the Bruery, attracts my attention and palate. But what about this […]

A very pumpkin New Year

It has been a very bizarre year. It wasn’t enough that we had to deal with a massively disruptive pandemic, which affected all aspects of life, but the world was affected by additional oddities in 2020 that were almost too strange for words. We had murder hornets.  We had massive wildfires that destroyed the Australian […]

Shake it up!

If you happen to be curious about how many possible meanings one word could have, as I was prior to writing this discussion, I encourage a quick google search using the terms “shake” and “definition”. I realize that it will take several moments to read through all of the documented entries provided by Merriam-Webster, Dictionary.com, […]