Humbly yours, J
In the course of my succor duties I encountered a pleasant family unit in need of assistance. This work day had not been going particularly smoothly and other responsibilities were put on hold to assist these customers. I considerately addressed their concerns and offered comprehensive suggestions to alleviate future issues regarding their complaints. Upon satiation […]
Human Traffic
I knuckle the sleep-crusties from the corners of your eye. It’s earlier than I planned, per quick consult of my alarm/phone. Yet, my commitment to balance inhibits the compulsion towards lethargy. My willpower lends a helpful support to raise me from your mattress. At this point, habit and drive take over, and I ready myself […]
Have you ever stayed in bed, if only to avoid the world for a few minutes longer? Maybe you curled into yourself in defiance of the tendrils of light meandering through the slits of your decrepit, dusty blinds? Maybe you heard the ringtone of someone on your mind, and checked your phone, only to […]
Is there anyone out there?
Hehe, of course there is. Otherwise my solipsistic thought processes may validate themselves. Or maybe it is not so…. Humbly yours, J
Golden Oldie
Thanks Dad Humbly yours, J
This Goddamn House
Yes I know there is a bit of buzzing…my apologies Humbly yours, J
Nobody Home
Nothing verbose to go with this one. Just delivering a culmination of years of practice that yields the cover that I’ve always wanted to perform. Please enjoy, and if not please leave feedback. Humbly yours, J
The Fall
In the interest of not throwing in off topic material in my prior post, I am posting a similarly named post just to be difficult. Here is an original song by myself. I’m rather proud of it. And I’m glad that I finally decided to put my mic to use. It makes an insane difference. […]
How many recall the late 90’s movie Fallen? Surely you remember. It’s that creepy, supernatural thriller starring John Goodman, Denzel Washington, and Donald Sutherland. No? It’s that movie involving the prankster demon who can only survive for a few seconds outside of a human body once its host has expired. It’s the movie where the […]