In every person, I’ve always found something. Something from which to learn, to help make me better. Better than I was before. More loving and understanding. Understanding of others, and myself. And more thoughtful. Thoughtful about how I acted, and of received treatment. Treatment of my heart, body, emotions, and my soul. A soul that […]
What you truly need…..
In all the ways that you neglected me, she was there. In all the ways you abandoned me, she stood by my side. In all the ways you chose not to understand me she was considerate. In all the ways you ignored my simple needs, She satisfied. When I needed to feel the universe, She […]
Remember. Do you remember? Do you recall that time you asked me to look to the sky? Does it still play out in your mind? Does the memory of that sunny day still make your skin feel warm, even when there is a chill outside? Can you recall how the grass tickled your feet as […]
Anywhere But Here
A place in the sun or Next to the moon. Yearning to be, Way far gone, and soon. Home in the mountains, Eloping to the sea. Resting, relaxing, Escaping, to the trees. Broadening horizons, Under distant stars and lights. To castle and museum, Here I take flight. Ever looking for wonder, Reaching far from this […]
I’m here for you! (As long as there’s drama)
Many years ago I stumbled upon a quirky, creative, and insightful movie. This movie featured several scenes involving fairly prominent actors. The short scenes totaled no more than several minutes each. Each scene highlighted a different theme ranging from humorous, to scientific, to melancholy, and even ironic. Each short had different actors. In one, Bill Murray […]
Open Heart Preparation (I)
Tristan sat in perfect stillness in the old wooden chair. A stranger walking into the room would scarcely have noticed the micro-movements of his shoulders, rising and falling. A friendly soul would not have perceived movement of his muscular chest and trim stomach. He was statuesque to the observing eye, but inside, he was a […]
Am I really seeing this?
We know human beings are capable of some incredible feats. There are those capable of fantastic achievements in athletics. There are a select few that make astounding discoveries in science and medicine. There are individuals capable of beautiful and imaginative writing. There are people who achieve awe through art and music. There are even people that […]
The given moments
All of this each fleeting second all passing moments every ticking minute each counted hour and guaranteed day all worked away weeks and planned on months and goal setting years. even the wisdom-granting decades. We own none of it. it is all leased, borrowed, and rented, this time we are so sure that we own. […]
All of the particles left their source. They danced upon the breeze, pirouetted amongst the leaves, and tiptoed onthe curves of clouds. They sparked amongst the flames, chilled on the tundras of ice, bounded from rock to rock, and swam into the waves. They pulsed with happiness, and rolled with sadness, careened off nothingness, they […]
It doesn’t matter how deeply you dig the hole, how much dirt you’ve flung in my face, how much rancor I absorbed as it flew from your lips, or how fiercely you shake your fists at the sky, in misguided rage. When the sun beats down, I will make myself a canopy to shield you […]