The muscles in his forearms began to quiver during the motion as recollection of his prior procedures pulsed through his mind. Crimson droplets beaded at the site of the cut as he drew the knife horizontally across the faded scar on his chest. Flickering squares of red and white bit into his vision as he […]
This morning I sat in the grass in the shade. I sat in the grass, by a lake in a state which wasn’t my own. My legs were weary, my shoulders were sore, my feet were blistered and pained, the rest of my body was raw from exertion, and my mental state lethargic from a […]
Rich, Robust, Dark, Mysterious…..
I could be reading this in the entirely wrong order. South County may have intended it to be read Mysterious, Rich, Robust, Dark. But without appropriate guidelines on the can, I simply started with the first word I saw and went around the rim. I don’t often review the same brewery more than once, but […]
First time for this kind of review…….
Those that know me, in the “real” world, know that I love making mead. I enjoy experimenting with all kinds of flavor combinations and will even attempt batches that can only truly be described as esoteric. I bottle every batch that I make, and doing so requires a frequent replenishment of supplies. These supplies range […]
Immolation and Rejuvination
We fear its destruction. We fear the rage. We fear the inevitability of cataclysmic eruption. We shy away, and keep our distance from the gurgling pinnacle. As the burbling mouth spews blood-hued globules into the sky, we cower and shudder. We dare not venture close to the heat tinged aperture. We won’t come close to […]
Rivers, Smiles, and Sun
At a certain point, we become aware that our lives have a certain trajectory. Some believe that it has been preset since the day we are born. We may choose to fight against it all we want, but that’s wastefully pointless. It’s best to accept whatever course that you are on. Life is like a […]
It was everything I could do, want, and be, that man that you could love and need. It was all that I could possibly desire, to be the one to light those fires. I was the bastion, the fortress, the high ground, the steadfastness when you felt down. I was the light, the warmth and […]
Everything is a choice
The commonly voiced excuse for not doing something is……. “I just don’t have enough time!’ Or, closely related to this excuse…. “I’m just not sure how I can find the time to get {something} done.” Permit me to highlight the lack of true perception relating to these comments. Not having enough time is a, well, not […]
Finding Beauty In Everything
Life is….. Taking the chances that you shouldn’t. Making the choices that are the most difficult Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Doing the things that scare you, and then doing them again. It’s abound getting to a point that you are ok with getting dirty, and knowing the sense in being clean. It’s […]
I can see mountains, but don’t know their shape. I can feel features, but don’t know your face. I can see the sun, but don’t feel it’s warmth on my skin. I know all the answers, just don’t know how to begin again. I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive, but paralyzed. I can […]