Third time is a charm

Everyone knows this saying, correct? Try something once, maybe the first experience isn’t a particularly enjoyable one. Just in case something in your mood is off, or the company you are with, or your stress level doesn’t allow you to properly enjoy an experience, you give it a second chance, right? How many chances does […]


Nine out of ten times, it means nothing. Ninety-Nine percent of the time it won’t occur. 999/1000 is the likely chance of failure. It has a one in a million chance to succeed. It’s like hitting that green 00 on the roulette wheel, or tripling up with a straight flush, when all your chips are in. It’s […]

Open Heart Insight (IV)

“Ready?” “I think so.” “It’s not really a question that you can respond to unsurely.  Either you are, or you aren’t?” “Ready.” “Go ahead then.  Let us in.” Tristan stood in front of the door, arm stretched forward, with the key in his hand.  Some wildly debilitating magic froze him in this spot.  He breathed […]


The flat, dusty, brown serpent stretched out in front of him.  Paris raised his eyes from his boots and gazed at a point on the horizon.  At this juncture, the road was swallowed by a slowly descending, molten red-orange, half-circle that bravely fought off the impending darkness.  The sky was swept with vivid hues of lavender, pink […]