Do you know what the great failure of humanity is, right now? People believe that we can stay connected without in person, organic, dialogue. We don’t really know who the other people are, when one can’t look another in the eye, and see the sincerity, or lie, in their expression. We’ve relegated communication to text, to […]
Open Heart Shadow (XVI)
Tristan walked toward the open door with an energetic swagger. He ignored the pitiful moans coming from the mangled figure behind him. He could feel a tingling rush of energy, power, and virility, surging through his body. It had been a considerable time since he had this type of sensation. He tried to recall when […]
Come on, come on, be the flame. Please, oh please, be the blaze. I’m begging, and begging, for a glimmer in the haze. I’m searching, and searching, for an exit in the maze. Go for it, go for it, be the fire. Please, oh please do, be all I desire. I’m searching, and yearning, for […]
It was a mistake to think, I could live in this world. It was error to think I’d fit in. There were so many flags that told me there was no place, for the being that I am. I walked someone else’s walk, and was the mouthpiece for other’s words, yet knew not what […]
Open Heart Assimilation (XV)
Tristan stood at the shore of an expansive lake. He searched the twilight for a shore across the water, but he found little definitive evidence, beyond a far-off treeline, to determine an end to the liquid mirror. His feet impressed upon the soft, damp, ghostly, grey and silver sand. He pinched small chunks between his […]
Open Heart Devouring (XIV)
With the fingers of his right hand still pinching the key, Tristan held the panel open, and his left hand maintained it’s grip on the large section of muscle and flesh. Tristan was frozen for several moments, as he took in the unorthodox scene, reflected into his eyes from the mirror. Several droplets of crimson […]
I’d rather have less, and be more, than be less, and have more. Humbly yours, J
Open Heart Empowerment (XIII)
Tristan reached out, pressed the thumb latch downwards, pulled the door open, then stood motionless, for many seconds. His teeth crunched together forcefully, and there was no gap between the straight line of his lips. Slowly, and deliberately, Tristan pulled in air through his flaring nostrils, and forcefully snorted it out. He took the few, […]
New England IPA vs. New England “Style” IPA
Those familiar with craft beer scene, know that the New England ipas have been, probably, one of the most popular and sought after styles of craft beer in the last several years. Those who have been ipa fans for a long time, have been gravitating away from the piney, bitter, clean, dank, ipa style brewed […]
Open Heart Metamorphosis(XII)
Instead of a sharp, metallic, click, Tristan heard a high-pitched shriek. The scream was so loud, and shrill, that he became momentarily disoriented. His hands being otherwise engaged, Tristan was unable to shield his ears from the cry. The piercing wail was so intense that he had to shut his eyes to feel a sense […]