Once in a great while, I have a vivid, incredibly affective, and terrifying dream. It’s one that I’ve had on many earlier occasions, but time between its reemergence seems to become greater as the years pass. Though it has been a while, I’m confident that I will still have this dream at some point in […]
100 C’s to fuel your fire.
Content, comfortable, complacent, calm, casual, chill, collected, cool, careful, cab, caddy, cashier, cafe, caffeine, cake, calendar, cocoa, calcium, cookie, California, Cabernet, cellulite, Calvados, calorie, caviar, candy, canopy, crepe, cottage, cheese, capital, Capri, chardonnay, cappuccino, cannolli, captive, cymbalta, convention, control, copy, copulate, Calvin Klein, Chipotle, corn sugar, corporate, corporeal, currency, custard, cream, cotton candy, cotton, couch, […]
A tingling upon the finger of an outstretched hand
When we sense the summit, we accept, and embrace all that the world throws at us. We know, its just another hill to ascend, another obstacle our weak grasp upon humanity will have thrown in our path. We shed our fears. We toss aside the hindrances of our past. We disregard the previous desires of […]
Hoppy Madness!
There are occasions, when an ipa challenge sounds like a great idea! Maybe I should revise that statement, and more emphatically declare my support. Any time sounds like a great time for an ipa challenge! There’s couldn’t be a situation you could think of, where having an ipa throw down, might not seem like a […]
Never, is there a time and place to replace, that which is lost. Naught is the spot to look for that which was mistook. No more, is the area we canvas for that which can’t be fixed. Nothing, is the void, where we stash all we once held close. No chance, is what we give […]
Human Perplexitude
It’s curious, to think, that once, man had to rely upon himself, herself, to make the pieces fit. All the incongruities, inconsistencies, and vagaries in the big picture were left to the individual, trying to piece together, the fragmented life-scene inside of themselves. There was struggle, frustration, challenge in perspective, failure, and ultimately, though a […]
Alone as a God
How do you imagine it would feel like, to be a god? According to most religious, or mythological ideologies, gods are typically thought of as incredibly powerful, potentially omniscient, probably possessing some, supernaturally potent ability, and, depending on the religious, or mythological group, having the best moral compass possible, and caring, without limits, about human […]
Of a Chance
At the outset, the possibilities were many, the future was bright and hopeful, the outlook was wantonly optimistic. The broad scope of mutual intent, the want and promise of the world, could not be fully delivered for, or by either. So, in incrementally, tiny, measures, the euphoria did fade, and the emotional expanse, and all of […]
The Peace of a Forest in Winter
The hushed, slow exhalations of the god of clouds, and the rhythmic crunch of footfalls on the ground, were the only noises, around. Brown, bare, trunks, and remnants of leaves, branches, and things that used to be green, was all that could be seen. Breath escaped my mouth in ghostly bursts, as the sun pleaded […]
Filling in before filling out.
I intended to write this before the holiday. Intending an, inspired by traditional ideas of love, passion, and romance, post, then, presenting a tempered, sardonic, counterpoint. But, with scrutiny of this supposed holiday, I find that its existence feeds off of guilt, insecurity, compulsion, and unabashed commercial exploitation, of emotion, fragility, and a vacuous longing to […]