BVDL. VR. KBBS. BAIGCCS. DDG. RFI. BAVSS. BCBS. Loon. FO. 3F. ANTEAD. BAA. BVAVSS. BBBB. BCBBW. Blabaer. BT. Cake. CC Bbomb. CCK. CONUS. DDH. DFH. DL. FB. FFF. FT. HF. Huna. IBBBBA. ILMTR. ISLBS. ISO. JWB. MBCP. MBP. MOAS. OH. Prop. PT5. PVW. Rare. Sara. ShAtrial. SHit. SMS. SOS. TH. W12. Westly. WWS. ZD. While […]
The Waste (II)
When Paris woke, he was still cocooned inside his blanket. The air trapped under his cover was hot, and stale. His skin was damp and sticky from sweat. His first thought was to throw off the cloth shell, and expose himself to fresh cool air. However, the thought that immediately followed this, that which reminded […]
I miss the days, of edamame and stand-up comedies. I miss the smiles and sways, laughs, drinks, and games. I miss the days of beers darts, and cheers. I miss those times, of wonder and wines. I miss those old flickers, without seeing the real pictures. I miss water guns, and I miss real fun. […]
The Waste (I)
THUMP! THUMP! Whoooooosh. Ssssss. THUMP! THUMP! Whoooooosh. Ssssss. THUMP! THUMP! Whoooooosh. Ssssss. THUMP! THUMP! Whoooooosh. Ssssss. Paris’s footfalls rapidly struck the dusty, dirt road. Stomped into the air, gritty brown particles rose in small puffs around the spots struck by his feet, hung in the desert air for a long breath, then returned to the […]
One day, some day, I’ll be on my way. One day, that day, I’ll have what I want. Some day, future day, I will know who I am. Some time, some place, I’ll get what I want. That time, that point, I will be what I wish. That spot, that second, I will be what […]
I have found a room in the house, that you would no longer haunt. I have barricaded myself in this room, and have tried to dream your ghost away. But your wailing fills the halls. And your shrieks echo in the stairwells. Your chill seeps through the cracks, and your lavender tinged perfume wafts in […]
If ever there was a time to look into the raw essence of your being, now is that time.
I have reconfigured. I have readjusted. I’ve reformed, and reconstituted. I’ve changed, converted, reverted, to a prior, livelier more vivacious version, that I tried to abandon, by pursuing the enlightenment, entitlement, enrichment, and unrealistic expectations of modern man. I’ve shaken hands with my predecessors, and reconnected to those who laid the ground upon which […]
The marathon of life is most difficult for those who were born sprinters.
Dig into the earth
Dig into the earth Let you play among the worms Let you see what winter is like In Terra and Firma In other words, release my hand In other words, darling, goodbye. You once filled my life with hope and I regret forevermore You were all I longed for Now one I curse and abhor […]
Dark of the Forest
Those that know my hobbies and passions, may assume that this article relates to hiking. That wouldn’t be a big stretch, as I have written about the woods, forest, mountains, and nature, on occasion. Those who have read even more of my material, might think this article is about something fantastic, or a short story, […]