Paris slept poorly, and woke many times. Though, when he woke, he knew not whether it was hours that had passed, or minutes. Adjusting to sleeping during the day, when his normal routine would have him awake, and walking, not sitting for many miles, was challenging. After many hours of sleeplessness, Paris had finally sunk […]
Returning to the Outdoors
This morning my legs carried me, to the peaks of mountains. Not long ago, my ears heard no sound of commotion. At a quarter past nine, my hands could touch the skies. As the sun rose through the clouds, I could smell the pines. Not long after dawn, I gazed down upon valleys. As midday […]
Dark Al vs. Sunny Al
In central Pennsylvania, an intense rivalry between two breweries has been heating up for years, and is about to boil over. It is a rivalry of epic proportions, contending with those having historical impact. It’s Coke vs. Pepsi, Apple vs. Microsoft, Edison vs. Tesla, North vs. South, Hamilton vs. Burr, Da Vinci Vs. Michelangelo, Axis […]
Catch and Release
If you have the drive, motivation, determination, and tenacity, then those things that choose to chase after, you will eventually catch. But some of those things, will take so very long to finally obtain, that you will have changed in that long time, and that which you wanted so much, may not provide you with […]
One hand folded into another
You find value in my deficiencies, and fullness, in my vacancy. You find stability in my inconsistency, and bliss, in my melancholy. You find fortitude, in my frailty, and competence, in my inability. You find seriousness, in my buffoonery, and clarity, amidst my perplexity. You find exquisiteness, when I feel ugly, and offer hope, to […]
Vulgar Julius Lighthouse
Just to be clear, the arrangement of the cans in the picture is in no way a subtle indicator of which of these IPAs is superior. The picture of these stacked cans, is simply for aesthetic value. The selection of these particular brands though, is certainly deliberate. A few short years ago, Treehouse was the […]
The Waste (V)
Lucius and Ignatius were seasoned hands when it came to setting up their camp. They easily retrieved their tent from what seemed to be a disorganized pile of sacks, bags, and boxes. Paris regarded the size of the bag with dubious curiosity, but from the too-small-seeming package they unfolded, little by little an unexplainably large piece of […]
Just Jump
Stop second guessing things, just jump, you can’t really know what it’s like unless you fully commit to the experience. You’ve heard this advice before, right? I know I have. It’s terrific advice to give to another person, yet terrifying advice to receive. Yeah! Go for it. Screw whatever conventional thought may say regarding a […]
The Waste (IV)
“A story?” Paris blurted incredulously. “How, may I ask, is a story payment for transportation?” “It is not a matter of how, but why.” “Why then?” “The intricacies of the transaction may, in time be revealed to you, traveler. At this point you must simply decide whether this is a cost that you wish to pay.” […]