It had been a great while since he took his boat out without the intent to return with scaly sustenance and crustaceous delicacies. The gliding of the craft through the water and the subtle dips and bobs as the craft navigated the waves was a panacea for the stress that bore upon his broad shoulders. […]
There is no map that directed me here, no compass quivering towards this place. There are no markers that lead to this spot. No guide leading me to this destination. In no way was I assisted by the sun. Nor did I follow any moonlit path. The stars above did not point hither. And the universe […]
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Tornadoes and Falling in Love
Merry-go-rounds and Tilt-a-whirls. Roller coasters and roundabouts. Spinning tops and spirals. Ferris wheels and bottles. Wheel-of-Fortune, doing flips. Somersaults and cartwheels. Bedrooms after many drinks. Car wheels as we travel. The tires on our bikes. Our bodies as we dance. Tornadoes and whirlpools. Records, and falling in love. We love the circling, rotating, revolving feeling, […]
The Waste (VIII)
Beginning around noon the next day, the entire village enjoyed exquisite food the likes of which many of the citizens had never tasted. No one could offer a plausible explanation regarding the source of a majority of the ingredients, for the elements of these recipes were not consistent with the villagers normal fare. Allamar postulated […]
Alphabet Apocalypse
A is for almost B for barely C is for close D for daring E is for enticing F for flight G is for glory H for height I is for ingenuity J for jactancy K is for kingly L for lofty M means majesty N for noble O is for obtaining P for pinnacle […]
Palette and Easel
I dabbed then stroked. I blotted, then flicked. I mixed, then grazed, Pressed, and then glazed. I touched, then scraped. I swabbed, then swiped. I swirled, then kissed, Tapped, then caressed. I connected, then skimmed. I swabbed, then filled in. I mixed, then applied, blended and then smiled. I finally found you, […]
The Hinges of the Universe
In the quantum consideration of timelines, we can only be aware of the one on which we currently exist. Though there may be a trillion other possible lives that we may have out there in parallel universes, each choice leads both ourselves, and others, down a path that is new, and uniquely different path than […]
Give unto others…….
Valentines Day has recently passed. As we move away from the fourteenth of February, we also move away from a tremendous amount of pressure. Pressure? But Valentines Day is a time of celebrating love, passion, and intimacy. What kind of pressure could be involved when true love is at the center of the celebration? Maybe, […]
The Inescapable Nature of Man
It’s intriguing that in an age where technology has provided us with a Promethean-like opportunity to advance and better ourselves, we, like the great Gods of Olympus, find that we still succumb to our most base and primal vices. Humbly yours, J