We live in a world in which we find it far easier to buy happiness, however temporary the moments of purchased bliss, instead of working hard, and earning our happiness, regardless of how gratifying and long-lasting that satisfaction may be. And we prefer it this way. Humbly yours, J
The Waste (X)
The villagers waited out the impossibly long pause in Allamar’s speech. The sun bore down on patient brows, its insistence drawing beads of perspiration from calm onlookers. After long seconds of intense stillness, breath barely noted among the close-pressed villagers, Allamar reached towards his own chest. The crowd drew in a tiny collective breath, as […]
The aches of the heart and soul provide the perspective to truly appreciate the euphorias one feels in body and mind. Humbly yours, J
Fear No More
We are weakness, crippling doubting disorienting continuous self-revaluation that gnaws at the core of our existence. We are the scabbard that houses the sword of ineptitude. We are the holster for the weapon that we believe defends our frailty. We are the meek voices whispering second thoughts to our confidence. We are our greatest detractors our […]
Eron’s Flight
The sun floated directly above the city, and the cobblestones of its streets basked in the warmth of its nurturing solar rays. Though the illumination seemed to pierce the most obscure recesses of the side roads and alleys, the temperature did not approach that of oppressive. The citizens were not seen utilizing the daily crier […]
The Sounds of Time Passing
What if we could hear the passing of time? How could we audibly experience the ticking intervals? Would seconds be virtually imperceptible? Would the sound be similar to the ever so slight rustling of drapes by a gentle breeze? Would seconds passing make a similar noise to that of a coupling of string instruments being […]
Edges and Pits
There is a place and time, for parties and wine. Moments for touch and caress, love, emotion and intimateness. For feelings of wonder. And for visions of splendor. For spots of jubilation, and blips of satisfaction. For fireworks in the sky, on the ground, fireflies. To have bliss in our hearts and peace in our […]
Simple Solutions
Human beings are gifted with incredible depth, intricacy, and complexity, and therefore, it is within our nature to seek out higher degrees of meaning, purpose, and understanding. This can come at an unfortunate cost, as we often fail to master fundamental elements have made us successful creatures, dedication, awareness, and decency to our fellow-man.
The Journey of a Thousand Sips
The meaning of the word expedition is: an excursion, journey, or voyage made for some specific purpose, as of war or exploration. When I began my exploration of the craft beer world, I did so with a specific purpose, to be open to, and try, any and all styles, brands, and interpretations of beer. As […]