There are those that enjoy the act of cleaning. There are others that do not. There are some that clean, daily, compulsively, and consistently. And there are others that regard it as a burdensome bore. Regardless in which class you place yourself, cleaning is a necessity. Whether approached with regularity, or abhorently, failure to disperse […]
The art of ignition
Gather unto oneself the twigs, sticks, and palm sized sources of kindling. Arrange upon the driest of ground, in a fashion, most closely resembling a tepee. Forage for dry leaves, wood shavings, paper, or other small combustables. Arrange volatiles beneath the angled, tepee eaves, in a bunched fashion. Search pockets for flint and striker, and […]
It be the deeds done, not the comforts won, that have merit. Humbly yours, j
Cattle Chute
The rubber circles rapidly rotate upon the road and the rhythmic whir of the tires, the soothing whoosh of the swiftly passing air by open windows, and the invigorating, insistent, pulsing notes from the rock anthem blasting through the high wattage stereo system, pull upward at the corners of the drivers mouth, shoot stars into […]
I’m getting out. I’m getting out. I’m getting out. without a doubt I’m getting out, out, out, out, gonna find out, what its all about. I’m going around, around, around round and round, to find what’s sound. I’m spinning round, right around, my prospects abound, to turn it all around. I’ll find […]
Second-Flight First-Crawl
I wonder what the caterpillar feels when it stops inching forward. I wonder what it is thinking, when it decides to stop chewing on leaves. I’m curious what is going on inside, when it begins to surround itself within a cocoon. It’s fascinating to ponder whether this tiny, awkward, slinking creature, realizes the impact of […]
Shuffle or Stride
Pursue with fervor that which makes you feel alive. All other interests are slow, indeliberate shuffles towards death. Choose for yourself, wisely, and with the pursuit of the greatest of self discovery in mind when you do so. Visualize your steps. Find your path. May it lead you towards your invigoration. May it stave […]
Plumbing Depths
Give. The well is deep. Give. Though your eyes may weep. Give. The reservoir is full. Give. Though it may hurt your soul. Give. The reserves are plentiful. Give. Though you find your wallet resentful. Give. The cup runneth over. Give. Though thy world be asunder. Give. The seconds provide. Give. Though you feel out […]
No Rush
I’m not in a hurry. I’m not in a hurry. I’m not in a hurry. There’s no rush. I’m not in a hurry. I’m not in a hurry. I’ll take my time. I’m not in a hurry. It’s ok to be patient. I’m not in a hurry. I’m not in a hurry. I’m not in […]
I’m ready. My back is packed. I’ve checked my all of my gear. My preparation is complete. The trail waits. It waits not with urgency but understanding. It knows nothing else but to be present, and to exist. My feet have longed for the familiarity, the peace, and the comforts that are pervasive with each […]