I will not wait for happiness to come find me. I will choose to have it live inside me, and everyday give it of myself to the world. Humbly yours, J
Catch and Release
Like a fish yearning for food, I kept swimming close to shore. I saw the shiny lure, and the morsel on the hook, and was fooled once more. The sharp pain of the hook didn’t hurt so badly, I took it willingly. When it sunk in it had the draw of connection, but the helpless […]
Trust me I trust you
Take my hand, let me Reassure you of my Unwavering passion, Sincerity, dedication, and Trust. My love for you, Endures forever. Ill always be by your side. The bond will deepen, Reinforced by tempering, Under the good and glad, Somber and sad, Times to be had. You and I will align […]
Eron’s Strife
Far below him, the village burned. Eron’s right foot clanged down on the next dusty step, and the rest of his body paused. He closed his eyes, and with mouth closed, took in a deep breath through his nose. A pungent stench of leather, salty-sweat, and blood, rippled through his nostrils, and the bouquet caused […]
Waking moments
Every waking moment I think of the bright glimmer in your eyes The softness and warmth of your skin Each gentle curve of your body The grace of your movements That gentle lift of your lips when you smile The way your hair swirls when your head tilts back How music rings in the air […]
The greatest of gifts
What can you give of jewelry? All that I can and more What of the gift of matrimony? As soon as I can afford. What of supplying a residency? I’ll find a home and we will stay. What of a sense of security? I’ll protect of you always. What of degrees of the leisurely? I’ll […]
Today is your happiness
Wait not for the next sunrise. Seek not a chance down the line. Yearn not for a time beyond today Crave not a future bliss. But, Do take pleasure in each breath Do wake and smile warmly Do spread love in your meetings Do speak your kind words. For happiness is not discovered later. Happiness […]
Please hold the light
Think of the lighthouse. It is forever rooted to its place along a rocky shore. It is a tall, elegant, monolith. The lighthouse braves the typhoon, it faces the crashing waves, it is immovable against hail, gale, and squall. The lighthouse bears the blaze of burning sun, faces the chills of freezing rain, and stares […]
Awake and Happy
The warm rays of sunlight shine through your window. Rise. You stretch your wonderfully functioning body towards the sky. Shine. A blissful sounding chorus of songbirds graces your ears. Rise! You allow a warm, full, radiant smile to stretch from ear to ear. Shine! A popping sound of percolation comes with the smell of coffee. […]
Eron’s Gift
She lay in the bed an arms length from him. Even in her incomprehensible stillness, when Eron looked at her, the beats of his heart skipped when he gazed upon her beauty. Though he could barely see the rise and fall of her chest, and though her skin was a deathly shade of pale, the […]