I may fly high, to gaze upon the peaks. I might dive deep, To touch the coral reefs. I’d cross great spans of earth, to view incredible art. I’d sail across the ocean, to hear a haunting concert. I would board a rocket, to get close to the stars. But you should know, I’d never […]
Vacuuming the Empty Room
It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve done it before, you still go back to that room. It’s in your house, so, when you clean, you must return. There is nothing to clean but for the dust flecks of scalp that you left, when exiting the last time. But you vacuum the carpet anyway. No […]
Eron’s Arc
It was beautiful. The object rested on Eron’s palm, perfectly balanced and level. The symmetry was immaculate. It was virtually weightless, Eron only noticing the friction of the grain of the wood against his palm as it rested there, and not any sense of downward pressure upon his hand and wrist. It wasn’t quite a […]
The Unraveling Timepiece
How many decades since you last believed? How many years since you perceived? How many months since your heart was on fire? How many weeks since your last desire? How many days since you’ve felt empowered? How many hours since you’ve been a coward? How many minutes since you’ve seen the sun? How many seconds, […]
Shake it up!
If you happen to be curious about how many possible meanings one word could have, as I was prior to writing this discussion, I encourage a quick google search using the terms “shake” and “definition”. I realize that it will take several moments to read through all of the documented entries provided by Merriam-Webster, Dictionary.com, […]
The Fly’s Perspective
Think for a moment, on the eye of the fly. It does not move from side to side, or up and down. But it’s complexity is quite considerable. It is a compound eye, made up of thousands of individual visual receptors. For the fly each of these receptors is essentially a lens that allows the […]
Forte Est?
It takes so many billiions of decisions, pieces of advice, turns, adjustments, redirections, happenstances, chance occurrences, bizarre interactions, and choices made independently, that bring two people in close enough proximity that they have a chance to interact, feel for each other, and then ultimately find passion. Doesn’t it seem so inconceivably sad, casual, cruel, and […]
Today is a Gift
Whoever you are, Wherever you are going, Whatever your emotional state, However you are feeling physically, In whatever conditions you are living, Regardless of what is going on in your life, Whether you are at your happiest point, or saddest, Even you are a babe of one year, or an elder of ninety, Though your […]
The Faucet
The act of turning on a faucet, and letting water flow, is a very unremarkable act. We do this many times in a given day. And each time we perform the action, we think very little about what we are doing, how it is being done, or even what is occurring when we are doing […]
To the ground
I don’t want to set the world on fire. but I’d love to watch it burn. If I thought the world was on fire, I’d be looking for gasoline. I don’t want to set the world on fire, but I like to watch it turn. If I believed the world was on fire, I’d […]