First Things, First.

Your opportune ultimate ready body opens deep youthful aching nurturing  depths murmering intimating next desires, lengthy intense kinetics emerge with energy armor piercing oneness near sensational, masterfully undulating scintillating tremblings beyond expression housing overly new emergent drives after no determination surges helps assert rationaleless passionate engorgement never ever described. Beyond longing understanding needs to emit […]


Acquiescence to fate appeals to us because it takes away the guilt and anguish that comes with the responsibility for our choices. Once we grow to a point of maturity, we move beyond helplessness and into independence, thus owning, and earning choice, then, we become responsible for our choices. They are not dismissible, transmissible, irreversible, […]

Great gifts

There is a drastic difference between two types of gifts. In one instance we are highly praised, and commended, for being able to give our hearts to another person.  Heart shaped likes appear on our social pages. People smile when they see clasped hands. Eyes tear when they witness romantic gestures. Emotions run high when […]