
I just don’t want to sleep anymore. I suppose I have to. I just don’t want to. My biology impresses it upon my sensibilities. But my mind rebels. It senses the potentiality of missing out on the intensity of the feelings, emotions, sensations and experiences when somnambulant. The body and mind crave rest, and require […]

Plumbing Depths

Give. The well is deep. Give. Though your eyes may weep. Give. The reservoir is full. Give. Though it may hurt your soul. Give. The reserves are plentiful. Give. Though you find your wallet resentful. Give. The cup runneth over. Give. Though thy world be asunder. Give. The seconds provide. Give. Though you feel out […]

The Unbent

Though the wind tears upon my face and rips through my clothing, and slices into my skin, Though the rain hammers my scalp, drenches my coverings, and chills me to the bone, Though the sun creates blisters upon my neck, and causes me to shed that which shields my flesh, Though the snow and ice […]


This morning I sat in the grass in the shade. I sat in the grass, by a lake in a state which wasn’t my own. My legs were weary, my shoulders were sore, my feet were blistered and pained, the rest of my body was raw from exertion, and my mental state lethargic from a […]

Severing Fruitless Branches

In every person, I’ve always found something. Something from which to learn, to help make me better. Better than I was before. More loving and understanding. Understanding of others, and myself. And more thoughtful. Thoughtful about how I acted, and of received treatment. Treatment of my heart, body, emotions, and my soul. A soul that […]