In the iconic film Forrest Gump, Forrest quotes his mother, indicating that she said “life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” The intention of the quote seemed to be, that life is full of surprises, and assumedly, since life was compared to chocolate, must also be delicious and sweet. […]
Category: Imploring
This Dying Tree Once Believed
When we are small, and have so very little control of ourselves, we have great need of so many things to sustain our existence. Our fragile constitution, simplistic mental faculties, and frail musculature require nurture and development. In due time, we find our step, our water and sunshine, our advancement, and our means to stand and […]
How Many Exits Do You See?
This has all happened before now. You are not imagining this. Life is a dream and you are an imagination of your self. Do not pass go. Or do, because you will still end up in the same spot. The behaviors reveal the similarities. You are merely a mimic of yourself. You are a marionette by […]
The holidays are upon us. Yes, the holidays. Some love these times. Some loathe them My feelings can vacillate drastically between the two extremes. Though, to be truthful, I would evaluate my feelings as abundantly neutral. Numbness, sadly, is the determined sensation, or lack thereof, at this time of year. And in the course of […]
The Coward
The coward runs, and flees, in the face of danger. The coward cowers, and flails, in view of defeat. The coward shrouds, and veils, facing opposition. The coward shirks, and points, instead of admission. He is spineless. She is weak. He lies prone, in abject defeat. He is callow. She is meek. All are helpless, in […]
The absence of stimuli
Everywhere we turn, an assault awaits. Anywhere we glance a solicitation beckons. Our senses are the target, and an innumerable, variable, selection of ordinance is stationed at key points to intercept us. The trap is set, and the snare plays the security blanket. The social quicksand marks our perceptible forward progress. Take that step, provide yourself an […]
Of traffic decisions and the pacing of life….
I love movie quotes. The expressiveness and relatable nature of quotes allows simple connectivity to numerous people. Regardless of background, movies are a universal entertainment medium and thus afford an easy discussion fulcrum. So, as segue to the purpose of this article, I offer this quote. “The world had went and got itself in a big […]
Who gives a shit?
When you extend your hand to connect, do you really want to touch someone? When you offer an emotional handshake, is the intention to draw feeling back? Why do I cast emotional bait into the seemingly tepid quagmire that does nothing but devour and leave a gleaming, shining hook? I’m tired of creating for no one. I’m […]
If a person speaks and there are none to hear
This has become more of an emotional journal, and less of a message and sharing of thoughts and ideas than I had wished it to be. I have poured forth much of the essence, or possibly mana, of my being into this “blog.” I have shared deep thoughts; I’ve bared song and soul to whomever […]