Human Traffic

I knuckle the sleep-crusties from the corners of your eye.  It’s earlier than I planned, per quick consult of my alarm/phone.  Yet, my commitment to balance inhibits the compulsion towards lethargy.  My willpower lends a helpful support to raise me from your mattress.   At this point, habit and drive take over, and I ready myself […]

Awakening the Chrysalis

As one floats through their daily grind/existence (whichever you prefer) there is a beckoning toward an outwardness of the soul.  If indeed the recognition of the soul is admissible. Most attribute this pull as a desire for release for the confines of the norm. Some feel that life as it exists is sufficient.  Apparently these […]

Life Sucks

One of the more preeminent things on a persons mind is mortality. Will I live long enough to produce children?  Will my children have their own progeny?  Will my existence on this planet be a success? Do I feel I’ve lived a good life? By what measure do I evaluate my success? The innumerable questions […]