Black Waves

The mildly abrasive, warm, yellow sands stretch out to the limits of my vision, and tickle calloused feet as I squeeze and release chunks of sand between my, supposedly longer than normal, toes. I am tenuously holding between thumb, index finger, and middle of my right hand, a flimsy plastic trowel. A pail, no larger than a […]


When you look at your house, or apartment, or other form of dwelling, a yurt maybe, what do you see? We adorn our beams and eaves with skins of chemical and design, to mask the naked support that our augmented forest provide.  And with these supplements we create uniqueness, character, and differentiation.  Casually we accent our […]

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Sometimes, between the haze of sleeplessness, and the release of drunkenness, one may find a halcyon sensation that is brought about by an immaculately constructed song. In a pre-dawn reverie, I stroke my thumb as I finger the keys.  I don’t recall the emergence of the lines of wisdom that have creased the epidermis.  Yet […]


It ended with a rain drenched $2 burger and add-on $1 hot dog. Before that we had decided to skip the encore of a decidedly uninspiring Ray Lamontagne concert.  We also abandoned the row-in-front-of-us, fifties-ish, newlyweds. Maybe they were new lovers, or some other completely new coupling, perpetually pawing and groping each other. This wasn’t […]