
Are you a building? Do you have a strong foundation? Can this foundation stay strong when floods come trying to wash away your base? Are you properly waterproofed to prevent leaks?  Is the foundation formidable enough to support the flooring built atop it? Are your walls thick enough? Do they keep out the cold, and […]

Blank page

Once, many years ago, I encountered a quote about writing. This quote, which I am slightly paraphrasing, went something like “The greatest tragedy in writing is the blank page.” Now I don’t know how true that particular statement is, although I can understand as a writer, the feeling involved in this statement or quote, relating […]

Bagel life

Have you ever thought about which side of the bagel you prefer?  Assuming, of course, that you like, or have ever eaten a bagel. Also assuming, that the bagel is sliced horizontally, and not vertically.  I’m not sure why one would slice a bagel vertically, it would drastically reduce the spreadable surface which people use […]

Pity free (free pity?)

The great lie of modern media, from news, to marketing, to entertainment, is to convince us that everything is causing us to suffer.  In fact, very few of us actually are suffering.  But the illusion has us believing that at every perception of inconvenience, or pain, requires a massive cry for help.  The actual need […]

Chosen Path

Without higher purpose or goals, what is time but turmoil? Without true passion and sacrifice, what is love but exaggerated lust. Without hard work and strife, what value can one place on comfort? Without ever feeling pangs of hunger, how does one ever feel full? We need to be without, before we know the value […]