Stand up, sit down, walk, again and again. Ingest, imbibe, purge, again and again. Think thoughts, read words, learn, again and again. Push forward, stop short, recover, again, and again. Become enamored, lose interest, feel numb, again and again. Build up, destroy, apologize, again and again. Accept help, give nurture, stand alone. again and again. […]
Author: [email protected]
Four Virtues
Restraint is the great liberator Discipline the best educator, Self-control is the developer, and Patience, the enlightener.
Two crappy pages
I have been writing for many years. When I first decided to put pen to paper, or keystroke to screen, as most writing is done nowadays, I gave a particular challenge to myself, write one post per week. It didn’t seem like too much of a challenge. A minimum commitment of a few hundred words. […]
Don’t you have another scone?
Many years ago, one of the roles in my career was that of manager. The environment that I managed, was a large retail store. In this particular store, which sold a variety of items, there was also a cafe, which served a variety of drinks, including bottled options, and hand prepared beverages. In addition to […]
We start out believing we will make the world a better place. But end up hoping that our actions didn’t make things worse. humbly yours J
Is it a feeling?
All of our decisions, even those we felt were purely driven by logic, rationale, and calculation, have at some point, been influenced by our feelings, thus sating our true need emotional contentment.
Death is the only permanent change
Change is uncomfortable. Change forces us, or we allow to cause a sometimes minor, occasionally major, augmentation in us. We move forward after changes, with fresh new perspectives, new understandings, greater degrees of physical strength or endurance, altered grasps on particular emotional states, or even a sense that things are different, which, in those moments, […]
What is now?
When we glance over our shoulders we don’t check for friendly faces. We look backwards only to make sure we are moving in the right direction Chased only look back to ensure they evaded the pursuer. Rifling through memories is the equivalent of shaking hands with ghosts. Sharing the pictures only serves to conjure that […]
Say, “Now.”
My friend an I once played many games of Yahtzee. We passed evenings listening to music, and played game, after game after game. It was competitive, relaxing, and fun to enjoy each others company, and to see how chance affected our rolls. During one of these games, I remarked on her multiple, unsuccessful attempts to […]
Master the Tempest
The ocean is vast. The vessel, its sails buffeted by light winds, glides upon its open waters. In time, this sailboat will surely encounter a storm. The winds will howl and shriek, and force the craft in directions the captain does not intend. The gale will be so fierce, that the captain will lower the […]