What is now?

When we glance over our shoulders we don’t check for friendly faces. We look backwards only to make sure we are moving in the right direction Chased only look back to ensure they evaded the pursuer. Rifling through memories is the equivalent of shaking hands with ghosts. Sharing the pictures only serves to conjure that […]

Say, “Now.”

My friend an I once played many games of Yahtzee.   We passed evenings listening to music, and played game, after game after game. It was competitive, relaxing, and fun to enjoy each others company, and to see how chance affected our rolls. During one of these games, I remarked on her multiple, unsuccessful attempts to […]

Great gifts

There is a drastic difference between two types of gifts. In one instance we are highly praised, and commended, for being able to give our hearts to another person.  Heart shaped likes appear on our social pages. People smile when they see clasped hands. Eyes tear when they witness romantic gestures. Emotions run high when […]


It’s autumn, and you are standing beneath a tree. It’s branches are full of leaves, and you know one will soon fall. So you wait with great anticipation, knowing your patience will pay off. Eventually, it does and a leaf breaks from the branch, floating towards your hand. It is delicate, intricate and in your […]