Adjacent love

Words are chocolate covered cherries, My smiles caress. Hand-squeezes are champagne, My smirk adores. Attention to you is the bouquet of roses My grin assures. Breathing you in is a gift of perfume, lips curl upwards. Being present, day after day, in proximity, means staying madly, deeply, truly in love with you.       […]

First Things, First.

Your opportune ultimate ready body opens deep youthful aching nurturing  depths murmering intimating next desires, lengthy intense kinetics emerge with energy armor piercing oneness near sensational, masterfully undulating scintillating tremblings beyond expression housing overly new emergent drives after no determination surges helps assert rationaleless passionate engorgement never ever described. Beyond longing understanding needs to emit […]


When “it’s” right, whatever that may be for you, The passion for it will churn inside of you like a raging whirlpool, It will foam and push itself from the jagged rocks, It will thunder down the banks, over boulders and down river, It will explode and surge from you over a great precipice, It […]

Gift hope

The precious item is purchased with money procured by our sacrifice of time.   It’s a gift, because we gave of ourselves, to give it to another.   We secure it with padding, and cushion it with smiles, hoping to get one back.   Then we place it into a container with a squared, wrap-able […]


Acquiescence to fate appeals to us because it takes away the guilt and anguish that comes with the responsibility for our choices. Once we grow to a point of maturity, we move beyond helplessness and into independence, thus owning, and earning choice, then, we become responsible for our choices. They are not dismissible, transmissible, irreversible, […]

Eron’s Pulse

The carriage bounced up and down, and wobbled side to side, as the rickety wheels rolled over rocks and debris, and dipped in and out of divots and pot holes. This road was poorly maintained, and the longer the carriage followed this path, the worse the jostling became.   There was a snort from the horse […]