The coward runs, and flees, in the face of danger. The coward cowers, and flails, in view of defeat. The coward shrouds, and veils, facing opposition. The coward shirks, and points, instead of admission. He is spineless. She is weak. He lies prone, in abject defeat. He is callow. She is meek. All are helpless, in […]
Author: [email protected]
The absence of stimuli
Everywhere we turn, an assault awaits. Anywhere we glance a solicitation beckons. Our senses are the target, and an innumerable, variable, selection of ordinance is stationed at key points to intercept us. The trap is set, and the snare plays the security blanket. The social quicksand marks our perceptible forward progress. Take that step, provide yourself an […]
“If my answers frighten you, than you should stop asking scary questions.” Admittedly, this quote is sourced from Jules, a dynamic character engaged in a transitional/soul-searching endeavor during his part of the movie Pulp Fiction. The scenario is tense, and that the culmination of the conversation resolves in such a weighty declaration is of little surprise. […]
Today I’ll buy the oils. Tomorrow canvas, brush, and ale. I’ll paint the strokes of misery and sadness in detail. Today I’ll buy a hammer. Tomorrow I’ll buy nails. I’ll hang my soul upon the wall And think of how I failed. Today I’ll buy a shovel. Tomorrow I’ll buy the pail. I’ll scrape my pieces […]
No surprises
Wouldn’t the world be an amazing place if there were no surprises to experience? Would it be easier if there were no instability to counter? Would it be easier if people didn’t perpetually disappoint in a way that initiated the “I can’t believe this is happening” response? Of course, and at times we wish for […]
Fantasy Woes
If you are a fantasy football enthusiast like myself, you may at this time be cursing the rotten luck that has decimated your lineups this year. Staring down the latter half of the season may be a horrid proposition as you may have had several of your precious early draft picks either injured for the […]
Back to shore
This vessel had been launched to the digital sea to see what it may catch. Or perhaps, it had been launched as a mere necessity. The act of sharing and reaching out being a function of cathartic communication. And as I’ve set fire to the beached dinghy I feel saddened. Not at an obviously flawed […]
Love the sound o’ the organ
more tunes and stuff J
No Diggity
Brewsing is coming to a close, but these scintillating covers aren’t gonna stop! J
Which is more important, the inhale or the exhale? Humbly yours, J