When we find ourselves lacking, we often find ourselves very critical. Whether we criticize our lack of self development, a failure to execute a particular task, or many tasks, or any number of perpetual procrastinations, we often try to find a way to rationalize. We come up with a myriad of reasons why we acquiescence […]
Author: [email protected]
A map without a legend
Have you seen me, recently? I can’t seem to find my way. I went looking for my purpose. I yearned to feel complete. Have you seen me, lately? I looked far, far and wide. I climbed high, high then dug low. I searched inside, inside and out. Have you seen me, today? I went searching […]
‘‘Twas a trillion to one Your parents would meet. and a billion to one, chance they’d conceive. A million to one in this timeline hundred thousand to one you’d actually survive. There was a thousand to one chance you’d excel and a hundred to one chance youd just do well. a ten to one chance […]
Why dance on the edge? Don’t you find it dangerous? Aren’t you concerned that you must constantly readjust your footing? Don’t you find it unnerving to see the precipitous drops below each foot placement? Does fear grip you as inch your toes along the razor thin edge? What gain could you attain from climbing out […]
Pain, emotional as well as physical, is very real. But it is not supposed to be permanent. Pain is intended to be a response only, as a trigger to prevent or avoid permanent damage and harm. Some trauma can cause pain that is so intense, that pain is excruciating and lasts much longer than what […]
The scents of right and wrong
How does goodness smell? What odors does evil put off? Is it possible that there are actual positive smells when we encounter someone with integrity? Do our noses wriggle in disgust when a person whose character is tainted by lies and deceit walks by us? Do we automatically associate a church or courthouse with a […]
Sacrifice the discipline and routine, for the efficiency of routine For words of consent, momentary content, searching for what life could mean. Passing between, man and machine yearning to be serene. Ones will is spent indifferent squandered on the insignificant. Logic for vice, reason for nice. Drive for distraction, Force for supplication. Once proud, now […]
If the world is in the palm of your hand, all you need at your fingertips, and everything within arms reach; what happens to the rest of you if you never have to move?
Crossing the street
What is the most important thing to do before crossing the street? To be fair, we are taught to do one whole thing, that is comprised of multiple actions. What we are told to do is to make sure we look both ways. This command is broken down into several steps. The most obvious steps, are […]
Happen to or happen for?
Things, quite simply, are going to happen. They will happen without our knowledge. They will occur beyond our scope or perception. Things, events, and circumstances, will continuously occur. Of the trillions upon trillions of these events that happen, every day, to billions of human beings, some will affect us. What we have in our power, […]