On your feet!

Cats always land on their feet, right? Once upon a time, this misnomer may have been believed by the masses.  Without the preponderance of chronicled video evidence that we now have refuting this belief, generally, people witnessed cats, that fell or dropped, landing safely on their paws. Cats have a righting reflex that allows them to […]


If we have reached the end of exploration, What then remains? In the absence of yearning for external wonder, do we seek to satisfy our lust for exploration, through exploitation? Is marketing to the soul our next frontier? Is our self sacrifice the next currency? Is your elevated pulse or recorded grin the next sales […]

Eron’s Chore

Eron shot through the rippling water. He kicked and propelled himself downward. The sun above beaming thinning tendril rays towards him through the water as he dove towards the floor. The pressure built in his ears and nostrils, the air in his lungs seeming to gain weight as he approached the blue sand.  As he […]