It’s autumn,
and you are
standing beneath
a tree.
It’s branches
are full
of leaves, and you know
one will soon fall.
So you wait with
great anticipation,
knowing your patience
will pay off.
Eventually, it does and
a leaf breaks
from the branch,
floating towards your hand.
It is delicate, intricate
and in your palm
it is worthy of
complete appreciation.
This magnificent leaf,
unique in all of the world
has left the limb it clung to
and alighted in your palm.
As you gaze on this
delicate, natural wonder
another leaf bobs, and dislocates
from the tree.
With the other leaf in hand
you rush to catch the
other as it falls from
the giant tree.
In just enough time
you reach out your
hand, to stack the falling
leaf atop the other.
Thus one, though,
doesn’t seem the same
despite your vigorous
attempt to catch it.
Its from the same tree,
the leaf should be as beautiful,
but stacked atop the other
doesn’t feel quite the same.
The two leafs do not
amount to much
weight in the palm
of your hand.
Another leaf trembles
on a branch above,
your legs move,
and a third leaf is in your hand.
More leaves fall
and you catch them
atop the others, stacked
in your palm
Eventually, the
Slight weight becomes
more and more
But in your hand,
the bottommost
leaves begin to
flake and crumble.
You filled your
hand with more
more things
no longer alive.
And the more that
you gather the
faster they do
Gather more and more
in your hand,
the essences, and
elements of life.
Grasping them tightly
until they are absorbed
in your skin, becoming
part of your soul.
Humbly yours,