Incubus, the super sweet demon

It seems I have a mild obsession with mythology.  I know the stories to be fantastic and supernatural, and I also know the tales to be stimulating and imaginative.  While most of my constitution relies on logical and concrete assumptions,  I can’t help that sometimes I am drawn to the mystical and  phantasmagoric elements of the plane we habitat.  Ergo, if my references to imaginative and mystical being seems recurrent, I offer my apologies, and, the explanation that these are simply obsessions via my own subterranean  fascinations.

This evening I highlight Incubus, the male demon and lascivious rogue premier, whose sole purpose is copulation with a female whilst they are asleep.  Why such an entity exists in lore, I must only attribute to uninformed ancestral peoples who, in their mass ignorance,  should have blamed a rapscallion for impregnating their daughter, but swallowed the lie of the incubus as fact, and thus perpetuated this phantasm into permanent folklore.

Interestingly enough, I happened upon a beer named after this paltry, minor, and weirdly violative demon.  While I think emulation of the arts, particularly mythology, is usually a tribute, evaluation of the source material regarding this particular pseudo-being leaves me with a twinge of uncomfortableness.

Yet I present for you my evaluation of……..


Incubus – Sly Fox Brewing – Having a tendency to evaluate local, and accessible beers, it is no coincidence that I am highlighting of of my craft “gateway” beers.  This particular beer managed to be one of several that substantially stirred my palate, though the deeper elements of that lust could, understandably,  only be satisfied by the succubus.  And as a gateway, or shall we say pathway, into the craft beer world this happens to be a belgian triple.  It’s no surprise that belgian style beers lead a neophyte into the craft appreciation.  Most tend to be sweet, sugary, and rich in maltiness, which is an easy transition from a standard lager or brown ale that preys upon the mass palate. Upon allowing this full-fledged and flavorful libation in to oneself,  the delirium and wonder of a new sensual experience is truly realized.  Yet the doldrums are sure to occur, as the taste buds make acquaintance with the sweet candy and the body adjusts to the sense numbing abv.  And so a deeper thrill lies ahead, that of bitterness.  The ipa awaits.  And then at then end of the flavor voyage, the sour presents itself.  But, the belgian triple to me holds great nostalgic value, as well fascinating flavor satisfaction, and mentally lubricating consistency.  And so I shall break from normalcy, and simply give suggestive advice on Incubus.  Just try this beastly pleasure of a beer. And as you savor the candy-sugar complexities, cotton candy scent, and immaculate satiability in this brew,


A whole world awaits you,

And there is no place like home.

Try not to be slept with by archaic, conjured demons, in the depths of night, and drink good beer to fortify yourself.

Humbly yours,