snow blind

Walking down a white hallway completely mixes up your perceptions.

There is an expectation of linear congruity, and of depth, and of progression.  But without lines of darkness to contrast, it must all seem bright, blinding, and inescapable.

It is really a hallway?  Does the direction you are going matter if you have no reference point?  Maybe it’s like being trapped in a snow storm, where every direction looks the same as the last.

Any direction seems plausible.

Any direction seems possible.

The only need is to find a reference point of darkness.

Isn’t that what a compass truly relies on?

It must be a dark magnetic balance that gives us a reference point.

The darkness is the true guide.  Benevolence and purity must only lead to naivite.

The pure white channel can only be a deception, a confusion, a mirage.

Darkness is the guide, blackness the accent.  Without such there is no point of reference.

Pure purity is like being snow-blind.  Darkness lends perspective. Contrast affords a framework.

The combination reveals reality.

Humbly yours,