Step Back

How often do you find yourself in a room, looking for something that you are completely positive you had in your possession mere moments before? How much time do you waste scouring and scrutinizing every inch with which you had just had contact? How many times do you lift up the same cushion, despite the […]

FB Official

It’s interesting to look at our current, modern world, and test the things that people value, and the validation that is given between one person and another, especially relating to social media.  I’m referring specifically to the idea of making something “Facebook official.” Which seems to mostly address relationships, and will therefore be the focal point […]


Fat has become such an ugly word. But from a physiological standpoint, is fat such a horrible thing? Pertaining to our current dietary system, fats can be a confusing nutritional element.  Some schools of thought advocate complete elimination of fats and almost exclusively consume fat-free products.  Some are engrained in the opposite ideology, that which advocates […]


At some point, humility had value. Having a humble disposition typically meant courtesy, consideration, and respect for ones peers, elders, and fellow man.  Being humble meant listening first, and responding in a way that meant receipt, if not agreement, of the ideas.   Being humble meant saying please, thank you, sir, ma’am, excuse me, pardon, and good afternoon, good […]