Death is the only permanent change

Change is uncomfortable.

Change forces us, or we allow to cause a sometimes minor, occasionally major, augmentation in us.

We move forward after changes, with fresh new perspectives, new understandings, greater degrees of physical strength or endurance, altered grasps on particular emotional states,  or even a sense that things are different, which, in those moments, we don’t completely grasp.

What we don’t fully appreciate, is that change is normal.  Change is natural.  Change is part of what we do, who we are, and integral to our experience as human beings.  We often decry the things that are “happening to us” instead of rejoicing at the changes that we are allowing into our lives.

We are not the same, as we were ten minutes ago.  We are not the same, as we were yesterday.  And in reflection, we all know we are not the same as we were ten years ago.  But we didn’t get to this point, without change.  Yet we still view change difficult, unfair, or even unnecessary, even as we are experiencing it.

It is ok to change.  It is natural, normal, and expected. In fact, if you don’t change, you essentially are saying ” I don’t want to move forward as a person.”

Those who say, “I don’t like change,” don’t quite understand what is actually occurring to them on a regular basis.

The most crucial, impactful, and severe change, we fool ourselves into thinking we can actually avoid.

The only permanent change, is death.

While you have life, embrace the changes that you experience, and allow yourself to choose those that may make you feel uncomfortable.  One day, you will be powerless to affect that final change.


Humbly yours,



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